JOAN~ROBERT'S SISTER | GB you Troy | September 7, 2019 |
JOAN~ROBERT'S SISTER | To My Sweet Friend | May 10, 2019 |
JOAN~ROBERT'S SISTER | GB you Troy | April 27, 2019 |
JOAN~ROBERT'S SISTER | Hello | April 21, 2019 |
JOAN~ROBERT'S SISTER | Happy Easter Troy and always. | April 15, 2019 |
Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum | Your Beautiful Rose | October 18, 2016 |
The day we lost you |
I was sitting here quietly and for no particular reason a memory from so long ago flashed into my mind. It was a weekend and we where all sitting in the lounge room watching television, you would of been around Two years old and toddled off to your room to play with your cars.
A little while had passed and you where so quite that I went to check on you but you went in your room, I wasnt to concerned at that stage as I knew you couldn't get outside but as I checked each room of the house and there still was no sign of you I started to panic calling out to Dad. Together we searched thoroughly every nick and craney of each room and in a panic picked up the telephone to call the police.
I had to go to the toilet and as I opened the half closed door I yelled to Dad, he's here!!! You had decided for the first time to climbed onto the toilet seat and because your bottom was so tiny you had slipped and where stuck, it didn't seem to worry you at all, instead of calling out you fell asleep, it appeared that the toilet was the only place we had not looked but the sight of you asleep in the toilet was the most beautiful sight ever, I thought we had lost you Troy.
Aiden's mommy |
The Twin's & Micheal's Mommy( Scatto ) |
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Rains Mommy |
The Twin's & Micheal's Mommy( Scatto ) |
Good Morning Troy...I just wanted to come by your site and leave you a picture of my angel's and wish you an early St.Patrick's Day...Troy, your site is so beautiful, your Mother has done an awesome job..You are so loved and missed by everyone...Well please send your Mom bunches of hugs and kisses..She really misses you....xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kadence's Mommy |
Waylon Kitchens mommy |
Aiden's mommy |
I see the countless CHRISTMAS TREES around the world below
with tiny lights like HEAVEN’S STARS reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so SPECTACULAR please wipe away that tear
for I am spending CHRISTMAS WITH JESUS CHRIST this year.
I hear the many CHRISTMAS SONGS that people hold so dear
but the SOUND OF MUSIC can't compare with the CHRISTMAS CHOIR up here.
I have no words to tell you of the JOY their voices bring
for it is beyond description to HEAR THE ANGELS SING.
I know HOW MUCH YOU MISS ME, I see the pain inside your heart
for I am spending CHRISTMAS WITH JESUS CHRIST this year.
I can't tell you of the SPLENDOR or the PEACE here in this place
Can you just imagine CHRISTMAS WITH OUR SAVIOR face to face
I'll ask him to LIFT YOUR SPIRIT as I tell him of your love
so then PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER as you lift your eyes above.
Please let your HEARTS BE JOYFUL and let your SPIRIT SING
for I am spending CHRISTMAS IN HEAVEN and I’m walking WITH THE KING.
~ by Wanda Bencke
© Copyright 1999
aunt jo |
kadence's Aunt |
aunty adonna~Sisterly Love~ |
It was time to go, just another day of climbing out of bed
and going to work. Lucky for me working for family can be a good thing, especially if your going to be late as it turned out.
This day I remember clearly, I was picking up my niece Katherine and nephew Troy as I was giving them both a lift there as well. I pulled up out front and tooted the
horn to hurry them out. Katherine was first out
and jumped in, we sat talking while we waited for Troy.
As time passed and still no sign of Troy, I became inpatient
and I made a comment about how late we where going to be. Katherine was not happy either having to wait for him and boy was she starting to get angry. (I guess you know how bad that can be!)
I learnt a few extra choice words that morning. "Wink"
She was cursing Troy wildly in a threatening tone "Just go, leave him, he can ####### walk." my little niece is growing up
I can not wait any longer I said and throwing in my own remarks towards Troy in anger ####### #####. WELL that's when a fact from a wellknown saying was learned.
Katherine turned and yelled at me "That's my ######
brother, so be quite you have no # right to say anything bad about him!.
(with a few other words thrown at me to go with it).
I was like well?? OK, stunned. Sitting there it was like
what was that??? Katherine said far worse then me.
Troy came wandering out unaware complaining about
what had held him up (I think it might of been not finding
the right socks, he was always dressed well even for a
dirty job). He jumped in the back and that's when he
copped what for from Katherine. It was a very uneasy
drive to work on that day.
"Need I say I said nothing more"
The fact I learned that day and will never forget is
your sister loves you Troy more then you ever thought
possible, I felt that bond of sisterly love that day.
Thank you Troy for helping make this special memory
love always aunty adonna.
Mom to Angel Chance |
~MUM~ That first mandarin 3rd July 2008 |
Every single day in some small way, there is something that will always reminds me of you Troy. When I look out at the garden I remember how you would call past and weed it for me, When I pull into the driveway I can Visualize you standing there waiting for me as you often did, When the phone or door bell rings I start to run excited expecting it to be you and when i receive a text on the mobile it reminds me of the funny little things you would send to me almost everyday.
You would often bring me a single red rose for no particular reason, infact on the very day you gained your angel wings you had placed a precious red rose on the front door a precious gift from you to me, It is still there Troy, and everyday I look at it, and everyday it reminds me of just how lucky I am to have you as my loving son, I know Troy how much you love me that is something I will never ever doubt! And I too love you Troy more than life it self!
There are so many memories, sometimes they just pop into my head for no particular reason and sometimes for a reason like today.....
I took Chloe out back to play with Sasha and Buster (australian silky terriers), while walking around the back yard I noticed a handful of ripened mandarin's on the tree.
I thought back to when I purchased the tree for Dad's birthday three years ago. I remembered the following year, I was enthusiastic as I watched the first mandarin grow, it seemed to take forever but I could hardly wait to present Dad with the very first fruit from his tree.
Troy I also remember the disappointment when I went out to pick my much awaited fruit only to dicover it was gone.......You had unknowingly picked the mandarin I had watched for months, peeled and ate it. You really couldn't see the big deal, although you felt bad you asked why we couldn't just tell a "little white lie", and tell dad he has the first one. I remember how I went off at you, Now I am the one who feel's bad as it really wasn't a big deal, after all I should of told you what I had intended especially knowing how much you your self loved them.
This afternoon as we peeled and ate the mandarin's, I told dad the story, He smiled and could see the funny side, both of us watching patiently as the bud blossomed into a juicy fruit, and you being the first to taste and enjoy my sweet labour.
And today Troy as I ate the fruit I also smiled and thanked you for another beautiful memory, our precious mandarin tree that now reminds me of you!